
Instructions on how to use Researchvideo.

Before getting started, a cautionary note:

Although Researchvideo enables creation of automated transcriptions/subtitles, the transcriptions' quality should always be checked afterwards. There are usually some errors in how well the text corresponds to what is said on the recordings. More information on the Whisper AI language model used in Researchvideo.

Table of Contents:

Introduction video

Who can use Researchvideo?

Researchvideo is dedicated to research purposes. Mainly it is used by research groups, but it is also available to other staff members and students doing research (like thesis).

A. Get a new research project and permissions to it

Everything in Researchvideo is controlled by detailed permission and workflow models. All content is by default private to only project members and admins. No project content can be published to be viewed without logging in.

Apply for a new research project by logging in and sending project info to Open Science Centre, who will then provide access.

STEP 1: Log in for the first time

When you start using Researchvideo for the first time, log into the service via the log in button in the top right corner of the page. Initial login is required for permission sharing.

Log in is currently possible with JYU credentials. Multi-Factor Authentication is required using DUO Mobile.

Select JYU MFA login option.

With the first login session, please read data privacy info and grant access privileges.

STEP 2: Apply for a new project

Next, apply for a new project by sending email to Include this information:

  • Your name and email
  • Project name (an informative name decribes the project's data contents, e.g. Student interviews of [research project's name] project)
  • The name of the research project connected to the data
  • Brief description of the data
  • Project timeframe with the project's end date in format DD-MM-YYYY
  • Which JYU department/unit the data is procuded under
  • Names and emails for project members that need permissions to view and edit content. Note: If some members need restricted access to the project (e.g. can only view contents or their access needs to be shorter than the project timeframe), inform of this in the email
  • Does the project involve personal data of research subjects (Yes/No)? Does it contain special categories of personal data or information on offenses and criminal records (Yes/No)? Is the data otherwise sensitive due to it containing confidential information (Yes/No)?
  • Data Controller for the personal data registry (as written in the Data Privacy Notice for the study)
  • Who are the authors of the research data? Note: If some of the project members do not have JYU credentials, mention also their affiliation and ORDIC iD, if available.
  • The planned lifecycle of the data: will it (or parts of it) be archived, published or destroyed at end of the study?
  • Does the data need to be stored in a certain file format for research or archival purposes? If so, there might be a need to keep the original file copies alongside the Researchvideo project.

Research Data Services team from Open Science Centre will then contact you and give you instructions on accessing your Research Video project.

Adding a new member to an already existing project:

1. If they have not done it yet, as the person to log into the service once (see the section above about logging in):
2. Contact and include the following information:

  • The name and email of the project member
  • The project the person need access to
  • The timeframe for the project access
  • The types of permissions the member needs (editing/viewing)

B. Add new media pages for video and audio to your project

After getting access to your new research project, you may add new media pages.

Media page is a container for one video or audio file and if necessary, text, images, and files. Think of it as a single, editable webpage around a video.

Example video of uploading a video and editing media page in Researchvideo (in Finnish, only for admins).

All your active projects are listed on the My Projects page. You can navigate to it via the top horizontal navigation menu:

Upload a media file

  1. Go to your project, e.g
  2. Click the Choose file button and select the file you want to upload
Media upload

Wait for the upload to process.

Add details and metadata

  1. Fill in the Title and Description to your video or audio file

2. Wait for the upload to finish
3. Select needed additional processing like anonymization (automatic blurring of identifiable facial image of an individual person), subtitle generation, or trimming of the media file. Note: due to ongoing development, this section can have more options than the ones displayed below.

Audio Filters options explained:

  • Normalizer = turns up the volume of each media clip so that different videos sound roughly the same. Same gain setting is applied through the whole video (for example gain up by +11 dB) and this function doesn't change the volume differences inside the media.
  • Dynamic normalizer = turns up the volume of each media clip and also evens out volume differences (for example, if one person speaks loudly and the other speaker is quieter, this effect tries to raise the volume of the quieter speech to make it sound same as the loud-speaking person).
  • Noise reducer = removes unwanted background noise from the media (for example the hum of the ventilation machine, traffic noise...)

4. The encoding process will begin and the progress will be visible

Subtitle generation (automated transcribing) during file upload

If you select the option Subtitle generation when uploading a media file, the program produces an automated transcription of the audio track. After selecting Generate subtitles automatically, you can also choose the following:

  • Speech language (also defines the language of the transcription)
  • Speaker diarization (automatically identifying separate speakers)
  • Translate to English

The speech language is selected from a drop down menu where the languages are listed in English.

Subtitle generation (automated transcribing) and translation after file upload

You can also generate subtitles or translations after a media file has been fully uploaded to Researchvideo by doing the following:

1) Navigate to your Researchvideo Project and select the media file's page you want to create subtitles/translation to.

2) After you have opened the media page, click the Edit icon in the left-side menu:

3) Click on the desired recording to open the subtitle editor the streaming window:

4) Go to the right-side menu and select Block:

5) Scroll down to the subheading Subtitles:

5) Select either Translate to English or Generate Subtitles .

Once the transctiption is ready, the whole text can be edited in the editor below the recording. "Text" option is active by default and lets you edit and view the whole transctiption with one view:

Trimming a media file

You can trim the media file by selecting where the uploaded file starts and ends.

When you have selected the option Trim media, you can do the trimming by moving the yellow markers at both ends of the timeline bar.

NOTE: The media file resolution is lower at this point of the upload but the final upload will include a higher quality version of the file.

Visible progress

After encoding the draft version of the media you can already start editing the media page or view the video.

After all video qualities have been encoded, the page reloads automatically.

The media page is now editable.

C. Edit media pages

To edit media page, click the pen icon on top left corner.

When you click the video and press enter you will get first block under it. Pressing enter multiple times creates many blocks.

On the Media Page section of the right-side menu you can also edit the video information and e.g. add categorization tags, and set an expiration date for the video. Note: Leave the publication date field empty.

Selecting a text in a block opens a text editor over it:

Blocks can contain text, images, and other elememts. You may select different blocks from the + button.

Read more about the blocks in Plone Documentation

D. Edit subtitles

You can edit the subtitles by doing the following:

  1. Go to the media page of the given video or audio file and select the edit option from the left side menu (see part C. Edit media pages)
  2. Play a video
  3. Select a subtitle file from the subtitle menu (marked with red in the following picture)
  4. Add or edit subtitles using the editor below the video. The subtitles are displayed in timecoded blocks that enable you to quickly replay a specific clip. Note: if the editor does not show, click the language of the subtitle shown below the video (English in the example picture)
  5. Remember to save changes.

A single video may have multiple subtitles.

Rename subtitle files

Navigate to the Contents page.

You can find a selection menu by clicking the "..." symbol. Click Edit.

You can rename the subtitle file by changing the text in the Title field and saving the changes from the left side menu

E. Add other files

You can also upload and store text files, images and other types of files in your Researchvideo work space. These files can only be stored, not edited in Researchvideo. Editing the files requires exporting them on your computer.

You can add files from the left side selection menu within your Researchvideo work space.

After choosing the type of file you want to upload, fill in its title and description and select the file to be uploaded. In the example picture, the uploaded file is an Atlas.ti project bundle.

Tip: You can also add categorization to the uploaded file from the Categorization tab visible in the selection menu next to the heading Default. Categorization by tags enables you to better organize the way you view the Researchvideo project contents.

Save the file after uploading it and filling in its information

The file will now be listed alongside the other contects of your Researchvideo project. You can export the file by opening its media page, agreeing to the export conditions and pressing the Download button.

F. Export full subtitles/transcriptions and media files

NOTE: Things to take into account when exporting transcriptions/subtitles/media files/other files

Please take care that the necessary precautions such as pseudonymization are done properly before this stage and that you select a suitable, secure JYU storage location for the transcriptions that contain direct and/or indirect personal information. You can use the dynamic help table for processing different types of confidential content (in Intranet Uno).

NB! If the transcriptions still need to contain sensitive personal information upon the export, make use of the dynamic table to check the needed data security measures in storing the files.

Export feature

You can export video and audio files and transcriptions from the given media file's page. The Export section is visible under the media file.

You can export one file at a time, which is why you can choose only one media file option or subtitle/transcription. Before exporting by pressing the Download button, you must agree to handle the exported data with care:

When in doubt regarding how to proceed, please contact the research data service team of Open Science Centre (

G. Logging out and editing profile information

You can log out of the service by navigating to the bottom left corner of the page. Logging out happens via the red log out symbol. From the selection menu you can also navigate to editing your profile details and preferences (mainly language preference).

If you run into problems, please contact the Researchvideo support via HelpJYU.

H. Delete project contents

If you need to remove media or subtitle files, you can do this by doing the following:

Navigate to the Contents menu on the left side of the Project's page and click the folder icon

Press the "..." symbol on the right side of the title of the media file you want to remove

Select Delete

I. Categorize your data

Instructions on how to utilize tags in order to better organize your data within your Researchvideo project will be added during spring 2025.

MyJYU AI Transcription

How to use MyJYU AI Transcription - info and instructions.

Frequently asked questions about upload and encoding

Check our FAQ page to see if others have bumped into the same question

Admin instructions

Admins - Adding projects, users and setting permissions.